Thursday, June 07, 2007

WOOOOOT, lan gaming at zoooom. wat a place. thx to dustin we walked ard the industrial estates and sweated like nobody's business. sian kh and sdq not here, u 2 missed out alot of fun man. rite zf? =X
firstly, i wanna congrat zf for farming throughout the game. BUT BUT BUT, his team lost!!! haha, sucker. thx to my prophet skill wats why my team won.
ok all the best for mid year exam, i typed this while waiting for zt to get into the dota game. dunno wtf i m typing, random stuff. byebye


here without you |8:31 AM|

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

omg i 30 billion ok. but max result shown is 10 digits. so my score got cut off.

here without you |8:29 AM|

Sunday, April 29, 2007


here without you |10:08 AM|

Monday, April 23, 2007

due to popular votes i've decided to remove the picture of piles
now lets see some pictures from meet your meat

<-----pig's having its scrotum and testicles ripped out in farm

how cows are cut down to size for your patties in your burger

<------how chickens got their beaks seared off

chicken with piles ??? all because of their feed

<-----similarly ducks with piles ??? due to their feed

<------duck chokes to death with feed cum its own vomit

<----blade missed the chicken in slaughterhouse .... common

<----pig with open wound due to concrete floor and ammonia

here without you |8:52 AM|

Sunday, April 22, 2007

nxt week onwards no more dota le!

Fiercest host "i say no!"

Wots life gonna be?

Obviously we quit dota to start stewdying. but wtf! everyday chiong home study is un friggin imaginable.

Wots life gonna be?

Lets wait and see!


here without you |5:53 AM|

Friday, April 20, 2007

You cant sit
You cant stand
You cant lie
You cant sleep
You cant sneeze
You cant laugh
You cant cough

piles are driving me crazy !!! ^&%^&$%!@
i wake up every 30 minutes or less during the night just to use cold water to cool my piles. I cant even sleep.

I walk i bleed
I stand i bleed
I sleep i bleed
I sit i bleed

You can smell the blood on your pants, see the blood on your pants.

The horrible pain, it takes me 2 minutes just to assume into a sitting position from a standing position. It takes me 2 minutes just to get down of bed. It takes me 6 minutes to walk from my bedroom to the kitchen.
I wake up to with my pants wet, not from dreams or pee, but from blood. My bedsheet is stained with blood. I almost had to wear pampers. When the doctor pushed it back in, the pain is out of the world, when i go to the toilet to do my business, the pain makes me want to stop. How do i sit ? Simple, put newspaper as the base, put a swimming tube above it and CAREFULLY sit. Fugging piles of mine.

Tips to avoid piles , HEED THEM im serious :
- Shit in a sitting position not squatting
- Never ever shit longer than 10 minutes, preferably within 3 minutes
- Eat more fruits and vegetables, when i mean more i meant A LOT MORE
- Take FICEROL ( dont know if spelt correctly), it restores your bowel movements and soften your stools A LOT. I would have died without it
- Seek medical attention as soon as possible when you suspect you have piles
- NEVER EVER force stools out, it could be piles.
- When you eat heaty food , e.g fried, barbcued etc. Drink LOTS OF herbal tea
- NEVER try to walk with piles, it causes abrasion which can bring you to hell

-------------more to be added when i thought of it --------------------------------

here without you |3:29 AM|

Thursday, April 19, 2007

ok ppl, its time to settle down n study. a levels, promos all coming up. lets make a deal, afternoon we study, at nite we dota one game. one game only, we play at 10pm then play till 11. after 11 we sleep, i think tats the best for all of us. happy studying.
-ying tong

here without you |8:31 AM|